STOR 565: Machine Learning

About the Course

See the syllabus for details. Machine learning has become one of the most exciting research areas in recent years. In this Python-based course, we will explore fundamental algorithms, delve into supervised and unsupervised learning methods, and examine practical applications. Along the way, you’ll build hands-on projects, develop a deep understanding of model training and evaluation, and learn how to handle real-world data challenges. Topics covered by this course include but are not limited to:

  1. Machine Learning Overview
  2. Linear Models (Linear Regression; Logistic Regression; SVM)
  3. Non-linear Models (Tree-based Methods; Kernel SVM; Neural Networks)
  4. Clustering Methods
  5. Matrix Factorization
  6. Advanced topics
  • Instructor: Yao Li

  • Teaching Assistant: Shaleni Kovach ()

  • Grader: Tianrui Ye ()

  • Class: TTH 9:30 - 10:45AM, Gardner 105

  • Office Hours:

    • Instructor Office Hours: W 2:00 - 3:00PM, Hanes 334
    • TA Office Hours: M 2:00 - 3:00PM, Hanes B5; F 10:00 - 11:00AM, Zoom

Course Material

Date Lecture Slides Tutorial
Jan. 09 Welcome Slides Tutorial 1
Jan. 14 Overview Slides
Jan. 16 Review Slides
Jan. 21 Linear Regression I Slides
Jan. 23 Linear Regression II Tutorial 2
Jan. 28 Linear Regression Extension Slides
Jan. 30 Binary Classification I Slides
Feb. 04 Binary Classification II
Feb. 06 Optimization Slides
Feb. 11 Support Vector Machines I Slides
Feb. 13 Support Vector Machines II Tutorial 3
Feb. 18 Project Proposal Discussion
Feb. 20 Class Cancelled (Snow)
Feb. 25 Project Proposal Discussion
Feb. 27 Clustering Methods Slides
Mar. 04 Tree-based Methods
Mar. 06 Matrix Factorization
Mar. 11 Spring Break
Mar. 13 Spring Break
Mar. 18 Neural Networks
Mar. 20 Convolutional Neural Networks
Mar. 25 Recurrent Neural Networks
Mar. 27 GRU and LSTM
Apr. 01 NLP Pre-training
Apr. 03 Transformer
Apr. 08 AI Security
Apr. 10 Final Presentation
Apr. 15 Final Presentation
Apr. 17 Well-being Day
Apr. 22 Final Presentation
Apr. 24 Final Presentation

Homework Tracker

All homework assignments are to be submitted via Canvas. Late homework will receive a grade of 0.

Date assigned Instructions Due Date (Time)
Jan.09 HW1(.ipynb) Jan.26 (11:59 PM)
Jan.27 HW2(.ipynb) Feb.09 (11:59 PM)
Feb.10 HW3(.ipynb) Feb.23 (11:59 PM)
Feb.24 HW4(.ipynb) Mar.09 (11:59 PM)
HW5(.ipynb) (11:59 PM)
HW6(.ipynb) (11:59 PM)
HW7(.ipynb) (11:59 PM)

Final Project Details

This course includes a final project in lieu of a final exam. Projects will be completed in groups of five and consist of:

  • Project Proposal (10%)
  • Project Presentation (30%)
  • Project Paper (50%)
  • Peer Review Score (10%)

Group List

Please form the final project group before Jan 22nd, and sign up using the shared spreadsheet. Please don’t modify the information of other groups.

Four Parts Including Point Values

I will meet with each group to discuss the final project topic. Project topics can be:

  • Solve an interesting or new problem with existing method
  • Develop a new algorithm/model
  • Compare state-of-the-art algorithms on some problems

P1: Project Proposal (10 Points): The project proposal is limited to 2-page (excluding reference) and contains:

  • Problem to solve
  • Review of existing studies in this field
  • Your proposed method or Methods you would like to compare
  • Evaluation metric
  • Reference

See latex template at link.

P2: Project Presentation (30 Points): All groups will present their final projects during the last a few lectures. Every group member is expected to join the presentation. The length of the presentation depends on the number of groups (15–20min) and will be announced later.

P3: Project Paper (50 Points): Each team must submit a written project report. It is recommended to include a discussion of how your research work can be further extended. It is required to use the NeurIPS Latex style files and submit the report in PDF format. The report should be less than 8 pages without references (no minimum requirement).

P4: Peer Score (10 Points): Ten points of the final project is based on an average score measuring overall contribution as seen by you and the other members of your group. Each group member should score every person in their group on a continuous scale from 0 (Bad) to 10 (Good). Before the due date of the final paper, every member is required to submit the group scoring through the google survey link below. Your name and this information will remain private between me and you. If you fail to submit this group scoring before the deadline, 2 points penalty will be applied and I will give the other members a score of 10.

Due Dates of Individual Parts

Part Description Method (Location) of Submission Due Date (Time)
P1 Project Proposal Canvas Feb. 16 (11:59PM)
Proposal Meeting Hanes 334 Feb. 18 / Feb. 20 (9:30AM-10:45AM)
P2 Presentation Slides Canvas Before the Presentation Day
Final Presentation Class Last 4 Lectures
P3 Final Report Canvas Apr. 27 (11:59PM)
P4 Peer Scoring Google Survey Apr. 27 (11:59PM)

Paper Presentation

Check the paper list for paper presentation opportunity.


This page was last updated on 2025-02-21 14:36:05.142109 Eastern Time.