
Consider the dataset heart_disease from the funModeling package.

##   age gender chest_pain resting_blood_pressure serum_cholestoral
## 1  63   male          1                    145               233
## 2  67   male          4                    160               286
## 3  67   male          4                    120               229
## 4  37   male          3                    130               250
## 5  41 female          2                    130               204
##   fasting_blood_sugar resting_electro max_heart_rate exer_angina oldpeak slope
## 1                   1               2            150           0     2.3     3
## 2                   0               2            108           1     1.5     2
## 3                   0               2            129           1     2.6     2
## 4                   0               0            187           0     3.5     3
## 5                   0               2            172           0     1.4     1
##   num_vessels_flour thal heart_disease_severity exter_angina has_heart_disease
## 1                 0    6                      0            0                no
## 2                 3    3                      2            1               yes
## 3                 2    7                      1            1               yes
## 4                 0    3                      0            0                no
## 5                 0    3                      0            0                no

There are variables related to patient clinic trial. heart_disease is a data frame with 303 rows and 16 variables. We’ll focus on the following variables in the analysis:

The purpose of this lab is to practice the creative process in exploratory data analysis of asking questions and then investigating those questions using visuals and statistical summaries. It is your job to apply your detective skills to the information hidden in this data. For future use, utilize the modified dataset heart according to the R code below:

heart=as_tibble(heart_disease) %>%
  select(age, max_heart_rate, thal, has_heart_disease, gender)
## # A tibble: 6 × 5
##     age max_heart_rate thal  has_heart_disease gender
##   <int>          <int> <fct> <fct>             <fct> 
## 1    63            150 6     no                male  
## 2    67            108 3     yes               male  
## 3    67            129 7     yes               male  
## 4    37            187 3     no                male  
## 5    41            172 3     no                female
## 6    56            178 3     no                male

When you get the desired result for each step, change Eval=F to Eval=T and knit the document to HTML to make sure it works. After you complete the lab, you should submit your HTML file of what you have completed to Canvas before the deadline.

Part 1: Questions About Variation

Question 1: What is the most common age found in the data?

  1. First, use geom_histogram() to investigate the distribution of age found in heart.
ggplot(DATA) +
  1. Use group_by(age) along with the pipe %>% to output the most common age along with the number of patients of that age. The most common value for age is _____ and the number of patients of the age is _____.
heart %>%
  group_by(age) %>%
  summarise(n=n(),.groups='drop') %>%
  arrange(desc(n)) %>%
## # A tibble: 1 × 2
##   common.exp common.n
##        <int>    <int>
## 1         58       19

Question 2: What is the maximum value of max heart rate found in the data?

  1. First, use geom_density() to visualize the overall distribution of max heart rate.
ggplot(DATA) +
  1. Next, modify the code in Question 1 to display the maximum max_heart_rate and the number of patients in the data that had that max heart rate. The maximum max_heart_rate was ____ which occurred ____ times in our sample
DATA %>%
  group_by(VARIABLE) %>%
  summarise(n=n(),.groups='drop') %>%
  arrange(desc(VARIABLE)) %>% 

Part 2: Questions about Covariation

Question 3: Is there a relationship between age and max heart rate?

  1. Use geom_point() to display a scatter plot representing the relationship between these two numeric variables. Use geom_smooth() to display a linear regression line to show the relationship between them.
ggplot(DATA) +
             alpha=ALPHA_VALUE,shape=16,size=2) +
  1. The max heart rate seems to _____ (increase/decrease) as the age of patients increases. Is this what you expected to see? ____ (yes/no).

  2. Practically, what reasons do you hypothesize for this observed relationship?

Question 4: How does max heart rate differ between have heart disease and not have?

  1. Use geom_boxplot() to compare the distribution of max heart rate of patients who have heart disease to the distribution of max heart rate of patients who do not have heart disease.
  geom_TYPE(aes(x=VARIABLE1,y = VARIABLE2))
  1. Use group_by() along with summarize to report the mean max_heart_rate, standard error of max_heart_rate, and 95% confidence interval for the unknown population mean of max_heart_rate for the various levels of has_heart_disease. The standard error is equal to the standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size. The 95% confidence interval is approximated by obtaining the lower and upper bound of an interval within 2 standard errors of the sample mean.
DATA %>% 
  group_by(VARIABLE1) %>%
  1. Based on the confidence limits, do we have statistical evidence to say that the average max_heart_rate for patients who do not have heart disease was larger than the average max_heart_rate for patients who have heart disease? _____ (yes/no).

  2. How would you explain your answer in terms of the confidence intervals that are constructed above?______________

Question 5: Does the relationship between age and max heart rate differ for patients who have and do not have heart disease?

  1. Use geom_point() along with the option color=has_heart_disease to overlay scatter plots. Does there seem to be a clear distinction between groups of have and do not have heart disease regarding this relationship? ____ (yes/no).
ggplot(data=DATA) +

Question 6: Does the relationship between age and max heart rate differ between genders?

  1. Repeat the graphic created in Question 4 replacing color=has_heart_disease with color=gender. Does there seem to be a clear distinction between female and male regarding this relationship? ____ (yes/no).
ggplot(data=DATA) +

Question 7: What is the relationship between max heart rate and the interaction between gender, thal and has_heart_disease?

Generate heatmap to summarize the average max heart rate for the different combinations of gender and thal. Use facet_grid(~has_heart_rate) to compare the relationship of the three variables between the patients who have and do not have heart disease quite easy.

na.omit(heart) %>%
  summarise(n=n(),mean=mean(VARIABLE4),.groups='drop') %>%
  ggplot() +
    geom_tile(aes(x=VARIABLE1,y=VARIABLE2,fill=mean)) +
    facet_grid(~VARIABLE3) + theme_dark()
  1. What are some differences between the patients who have and do not have heart disease regarding this relationship that are apparent in this chart?


The next figure is similar to the previous one except that the tile color reflects the standard deviation of max heart rate rather than the mean. Interactions of gender and thal containing less than or equal to 10 instances are ignored in this image.

na.omit(heart) %>%
  summarise(n=n(),sd=sd(VARIABLE4),.groups='drop') %>%
  filter(n>10) %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_tile(aes(x=VARIABLE1,y=VARIABLE2,fill=FILL)) +
  facet_grid(~VARIABLE3) + theme_dark()
  1. Which plot is generally darker and what does that imply?


  1. Specifically for the scenario where a male patient with normal thalassemia (thal=3), what does the extreme contrast between have and do not have heart disases imply for this figure?
