
Overview: For each question, show your R code that you used to answer each question in the provided chunks. When a written response is required, be sure to answer the entire question in complete sentences outside the code chunks. When figures are required, be sure to follow all requirements to receive full credit. Point values are assigned for every part of this analysis.

Helpful: Make sure you knit the document as you go through the assignment. Check all your results in the created HTML file.

Submission: Submit via Canvas. Must be submitted as an HTML file generated in RStudio.


Sensors are used by traffic management systems across the world to monitor the flow of vehicular traffic in urban road systems. Two metrics, occupancy and volume, indicate the quality of traffic flow. Occupancy is a variable that is between 0 an 100 and measures the percentage of time a sensor is blocked by a vehicle. Volume is a variable which represents the number of vehicles that pass a sensor in a period of time. The datasets “April_Occupancy_3.csv” and “April_Volume_3.csv” record 3-minute occupancy and volume measures for Monday through Friday in the month of April for 7 sensor locations in Athens, Greece.

The first goal of this analysis is to help you build a foundation of R programming skills. The second goal of this analysis is for you to analyze the traffic data in Greece.

Below is a preview of the 2 datasets. The tibble named DATA1 contains traffic occupancies and the tibble named DATA2 contains traffic volumes. The first 7 columns represent the 7 sensor locations. Each row represents the traffic occupancy or traffic volume measured on a 3 minute interval. The rows are ordered according to the variable TIME which indicates the sequence in which these measures are observed. The variable DAY indicates the day in April that the measure was recorded.

## # A tibble: 6 × 9
##    L101  L102  L103  L104  L106  L107  L108   DAY  TIME
##   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int>
## 1  1.58 21.3   12.8  56.1 13.6   7.87 12.8      3     1
## 2  3.34 10.4   10.4  26.2 13.0   4.92  6.50     3     2
## 3  2.76 11.0   10.4  28.2 12.2   6.1   8.66     3     3
## 4  3.15 23.8   17.3  35.2 17.7   6.3  13.6      3     4
## 5  3.15 20.5   12.0  43.1 16.9   6.69  8.46     3     5
## 6  1.18  6.50  10.0  26.2  8.46  4.53  3.15     3     6
## # A tibble: 6 × 9
##    L101  L102  L103  L104  L106  L107  L108   DAY  TIME
##   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int>
## 1    12    75    76    76    88    73    66     3     1
## 2    23    61    68    62    89    52    56     3     2
## 3    19    60    67    66    94    56    50     3     3
## 4    20    65    80    73   107    59    65     3     4
## 5    25    86    79    71   107    60    61     3     5
## 6    10    39    38    40    53    41    21     3     6

Follow the steps to accomplish specific tasks, and do not modify code on lines with the comment #DO NOT CHANGE. Add code in R code chunks wherever you see COMPLETE.


Part 1: Getting Day Names

We want to start by creating a factor variable called DAYNAME that contains the abbreviated day names “M”, “T”, “W”,“Th”,“F”. Currently, the unique values in DAY are 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. Think about which of these days correspond to their appropriate abbreviated names. The first element in DAY, which is 3, corresponds to “M”.

## [1] 20
##  [1]  3  4  5  6  7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28

Q1 (4 Points)

Although this is our ultimate goal, let’s start to think about how we are going to do this by practicing this on a random vector of numbers in unique(DATA1$DAY). Using the sample function, I initiated a random vector containing the values 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. Furthermore, I printed the first 20 observations from this random vector called x.

set.seed(216) #DO NOT CHANGE
x=sample(DATA1$DAY,1000) #DO NOT CHANGE
print(x[1:20]) #DO NOT CHANGE
##  [1] 18 21 10 24 10  6  3 12 18 24 11 12 17 24 20 28 21  4 10 18

In the block of code below, use a for loop and sequence of if-else statements to create a new character vector called y which contains the abbreviated day names corresponding to the simulated days in April found in x. If you do not follow instructions and use a for loop along with if-else statements, you will lose points. Think about the code that is given and modify it so it works. The final statement will print the first 20 observations in y which should contain abbreviated day names of Monday through Friday.

Code and Output:

y = rep(NA,length(x)) #DO NOT CHANGE

for (i in seq_along(x)){
  y[i] =  if(x[i] %in% c(3,10,17,24)){
          }else if(x[i] %in% c(4,11,18,25)){
          }else if(COMPLETE){
          }else if(COMPLETE){

print(y[1:20]) #DO NOT CHANGE

Q2 (4 Points)

The previous code was just practice. Now, we must utilize this process for our two tibbles DATA1 and DATA2. In the code chunk below, we start with a vector called x which is based off the variable DAY from DATA1. I want you to apply the previous code to create a vector called y with the abbreviated day names. Then, I want you to create a factor vector called y.factor based on y with ordered levels according to the abbreviated day names.

Code and Output:


for (i in seq_along(x)){
  y[i] =  if(x[i] %in% c(3,10,17,24)){
          }else if(x[i] %in% c(4,11,18,25)){
          }else if(COMPLETE){
          }else if(COMPLETE){

y.factor = factor(y,levels = c("M","T",COMPLETE))
print(y.factor[1:20]) #DO NOT CHANGE

Q3 (4 Points)

Now that you understand the process, we want to create a function called DAYNAME.func that takes a single argument called data. This function should extract the appropriate numeric vector of days in April and output a factor vector of categorical day names. The content of this function should be very similar to the previous code. The final four lines of the code chunk will create the new variable DAYNAME in both datasets and then print the first 6 rows using head().

Code and Output:

DAYNAME.func = function(data){
  x = data$DAY #DO NOT CHANGE

  for (i in seq_along(x)){
    y[i] =  if(x[i] %in% c(3,10,17,24)){
            }else if(x[i] %in% c(4,11,18,25)){
            }else if(COMPLETE){
            }else if(COMPLETE){
  y.factor = factor(y,levels = c("M","T",COMPLETE))

Q4 (6 Points)

Assuming you followed all directions, the code below displays a plot that shows the change in traffic occupancy for all four Mondays at the location L101. Different colors are used to identify the different Mondays in the month of April. Change eval=F TO eval=T once your previous code works to view the plot.

SUB.DATA = DATA1 %>% select("L101",DAY,DAYNAME) %>% filter(DAYNAME=="M")
plot=ggplot(data=SUB.DATA) + 
      geom_line(aes(x=1:dim(SUB.DATA)[1],y=get("L101"),color=as.factor(DAY))) + 
      theme_minimal() + 
      xlab("Time") + guides(color=guide_legend(title="Day in April"))+
      ylab("L101") + ggtitle(paste("Plot for ","M",sep=""))

I want you to create a function called DAYPLOT.func which takes three arguments data, sensor, and dayabbrev. This function should allow a user to specify the tibble (DATA1 or DATA2), the sensor location (“L101”,“L102”,“L103”,etc.), and the abbreviated weekday name (“M”,“T”,“W”,etc.). Your function DAYPLOT.func() should create the image above if you use arguments data=DATA1, sensor="L101", and dayabbrev="M".

Code (4 Points):


Now, I want you to use the function you created to output a figure for a sensor location and weekday of your choice showing the change in traffic volume over time. To do this figure for traffic volume, be sure to use DATA2. Choose any sensor location except “L101” and any day except “M”.

Code and Output (2 Points):


Part 2: Query and Summarize

The primary goal in this part is to create a function that outputs the median and interquartile range for a user-selected subset of the data in DATA2. Then, we can use this function in a loop to create a summarized table such as the one seen in the output from the code chunk below. This information can possibly lead to identification of days in the month where traffic volume was either unusally high or unusually low. The additional plot shows that for location “L103” the median traffic volume was unusually low for April 28 which happened to be a Friday on a holiday weekend.

OUTPUT=DATA2 %>% group_by(DAY) %>% select("L103",DAY) %>% summarize(median=median(get("L103")),IQR=IQR(get("L103")),.groups='drop') #DO NOT CHANGE
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##     DAY median   IQR
##   <int>  <dbl> <dbl>
## 1     3     85  34  
## 2     4     84  37  
## 3     5     76  34.2
## 4     6     83  33  
## 5     7     79  38.0
## 6    10     87  21
ggplot(data=OUTPUT) + geom_line(aes(x=DAY,y=median)) + theme_minimal() #DO NOT CHANGE

Q1 (4 Points)

Run the following code line by line and observe what is happening. Try to understand what the function which() is doing. To understand the intracies between [,] and [[]] read chapter called Vectors in R for Data Science. The final output should match the last line in the output from the previous chunk.


## [1] 10 87 21

We want to create a function called TRAFFICSUM.func that outputs a numeric vector of length 3 containing the day of the month, the median, and the IQR of traffic volume only for location “L103” for each day of the month. Utilize the code in the chunk above to design this function. The output from the final line should match output in the code chunk above if your function works properly.

Code and Output:

TRAFFICSUM.func = function(aprilday){
TRAFFICSUM.func(aprilday=10) #DO NOT CHANGE

Q2 (4 Points)

For sensor “L103”, I want you to create a matrix called OUTPUT.A that contains three columns that contain the day of April, the median traffic volume, and IQR of traffic volume. The information in the output from the final line of the below code chunk should match the information provided in the preview of OUTPUT in the prompt for Part 2. To create this matrix, start with OUTPUT.A=NULL and use a for loop to add a row at a time using a combination of rbind() and your function TRAFFICSUM.func(). You don’t need to give this matrix column names or convert it to a tibble. Just make sure the content matches.

Code and Output:


for(k in unique(DATA2$DAY)){


Q3 (4 Points)

Now we will do the same thing that we did in the previous question except we will start by initiating a tibble full of missing values. Here we will call our final tibble OUTPUT.B which is initiated in the first line. The variable names of OUTPUT.B were created in the second line and chosen to match the variable names in OUTPUT from the prompt to Part 2. In order to make this loop work, you will need to use your created function TRAFFICSUM.func() and a thorough understanding of the function which(). The beauty of which() is that it can be used to link the unique days in April to the index. For example, April 3 is the first day for which we have data. Therefore, the volume median and IQR for this day should be in the first row. The function which() can be used to link 3 to 1, 4 to 2, 5 to 3, etc. This ensures that information is saved in its appropriate row. When you run this code, the output from head(OUTPUT.B) should be identical to head(OUTPUT).

Code and Output:

OUTPUT.B=data.frame(matrix(NA,20,3)) #DO NOT CHANGE
names(OUTPUT.B)=c("DAY","median","IQR") #DO NOT CHANGE

for(k in unique(DATA2$DAY)){
  i = which(unique(DATA2$DAY)==k)


Part 3: Time Plots of Aggregated Occupancy and Volume Across Locations

Suppose we would want to aggregate information across multiple sensor locations at each time point. This would allow us to assess the overall traffic quality across the entire urban network. Our goal here is to capture the change in traffic occupancy and volume across all 7 locations. To begin, we start by creating data frames OCC and VOL that only contain the first 7 columns in their respective datasets. These data frames only contain the measurements without the days of the month and time indices. Aggregating across locations involves applying functions to the rows of VOL and OCC. Since the tibbles VOL and OCC are essentially matrices, we can use the apply() function for this purpose rather than looping through all the rows. Functions such as apply(), lapply(), and sapply() are far more efficient when functions are required to be repeated across rows, columns, or elements in a list.


Q1 (3 Points)

Use apply() to obtain the median across different locations of each day in both OCC and VOL. The output from apply() is a vector. First, use apply() to create a vector called MED.AGG.OCC that contains the medians of OCC. Then, use apply() to create a vector called MED.AGG.VOL that contains the medians of VOL. The built-in R function median() should be helpful here. If you have used apply() correctly, the figures will display the change in median occupancy and median volume over time.

Code and Output:


plot(MED.AGG.OCC,type="l") #DO NOT CHANGE
plot(MED.AGG.VOL,type="l") #DO NOT CHANGE

Q2 (4 Points)

Run the following code line-by-line and observe what is happening.

x=c(35,27,28,40)    #DO NOT CHANGE

range=max(x)-min(x) #DO NOT CHANGE
print(range)        #DO NOT CHANGE
## [1] 13

Create a function called RANGE.func that inputs a vector and outputs the range of the observations in that vector. Then create a vector called try containing any five numbers of your choice and show that the function works. Use print() to display the vector that you created along with the output from using RANGE.func().

Code and Output:



try = c(COMPLETE)
print(RANGE.func(try)) #DO NOT CHANGE

Q3 (3 Points)

Use apply() with your function RANGE.func() to obtain the range of occupancy and volume across different locations of each day. The process here is similar to when we obtained the medians in Q1 except now we are not using a built-in R function. First, use apply() to create a vector called RANGE.AGG.OCC that contains the ranges of occupancy from OCC. Then, use apply() to create a vector called RANGE.AGG.VOL that contains the ranges of volumes from VOL.

Code and Output: